Borito “My Kind Of Love”

Borito “My Kind Of Love”

Welcome to Borito’s time machine, music that sends you back your summer vacation. Music that is all about bringing back innocence, the freedom of loving, living and creating without the obligations and disappointments of adulthood.

Borito had a successful release of their debut single “Nice & Slowly”: with radio plays at local stations in the UK, The Netherlands and national radio stations in Israel, Along with features in blogs from the UK, Spain, U.S and more. Now they are releasing their second single, “My Kind of Love,” from their upcoming album. The song written by Yael Copeland and produced by Borito, is an indie stadium rock anthem told from a young woman’s perspective.

Many times, in pop culture the woman is portrayed as the one who wants a close and meaningful relationship. She wants to be chosen by the man. Even if at times she is portrayed as easy going and free spirited – in the end she is “just like other girls”, longing for commitment and deeper relationships. In “My Kind of Love” the power is in the narrator’s hands; she is honest about her views and is unapologetic. Together with musical themes from the 80’s and a fresh contemporary sound – this is a personal anthem first of all for Yael, and hopefully for other women who can relate to it.

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