La Mantra “Crush”
3 band members standing in front of a red curtain

La Mantra “Crush”

La Mantra (composed of frontman Ryan, guitarist/producer Ged and lead guitarist Scott) hold nothing back when it comes to individual music, style and attitude. Their sound is fresh, catchy, sexy and dirty. Think heavy pop, meets hiphop, meets pure adrenaline. Think 5SOS meets Royal Blood, meets Paramore, meets however they felt on the day. As much businessmen as they are uncontainable energetic talent, they insist on creating original music with a clear message, operating within a narrative of speaking to the work, brand codes and maintaining momentum.

Speaking on the debut single “CR*SH”, La Mantra say:

“It’s our introduction to the world, CR*SH is what happens when all three of us fall in love with music simultaneously. There’s something for everyone, it’s catchy but complex, clean but creased, composed but crazy, and completely covered in adrenaline. CR*SH is about a girl one of us went through a lot with, and we’re not quite sure whether it’s a thank you or a fuck you, but we do know that it feels good!”

With five singles lined up and planned to be released this coming year, a full set of originals and one hell of a stage show, these boys are undoubtedly the ones to watch. Organized Chaos. Just a little bit sexier.

-Official bio

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