man sitting down playing guitar

Ian Abel Band “Eyes On You”

Louisville, KY Based IAN ABEL BAND has unveiled a visually alluring official music video for their newest, mixed genre single, “Eyes on You”. Featuring live footage at the legendary, West…
band standing in front of a wall outside

Mellor “Meet Me By The Ocean”

Native to the UK, daring rock band Mellor released their new single, ‘Meet Me By The Ocean’, on the 21st of October, ahead of their upcoming album, Problematic Passions, which…
band standing in front of a backdrop with palm trees

SOHODOLLS “Letter To My Ex (Thank You, Goodbye)”

London’s influential electro-rockers Sohodolls are back! After being out of the limelight for more than a decade, a globally enforced lockdown revived one of their classics ‘Bang Bang Bang Bang’…

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Magana “Hold On”

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Anima Inside “Alien”

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CIAO MALZ “Gold Rush”

woman sitting in front of a blank wall

Ski Team “Me”

singer standing next to a microphone


male artist sitting in a car