Jake Fine & Holden Miller “Far Side of The World”
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Jake Fine & Holden Miller “Far Side of The World”

Holden Miller released another single, “Far Side of the World,” in conjunction with Jake Fine. The track is a beautifully composed acoustic love song with vocals that are tangibly emotional. The lyrics explore the intricacies of long distance relationships and what it’s like to love someone who’s an ocean away. Holden expresses that this love is inescapable, and even if it’s impossible to be together, these feelings cannot be suppressed, even though the relationship may not always survive the distance.

While the message of the song can be self-explanatory, Holden and Jake’s take on it gives “Far Side of the World” another layer of depth. “I thought it was striking how the song perfectly represents your relationship with someone shifting from reality to idea, to a figment, and finally fading,” they said, discussing the three acts of this story. “We exemplified this in the production and music as well, and you can feel that we’re nearly haunted by the notion of this girl, and finally come to grips with the fact they’ve disappeared from our life. The song is one of mourning in a sense, but also one of realization.”

Holden Miller beholds the people and places around him in a more thoughtful way than most. His reality is one without a deeply ingrained perspective – his views are constantly changing, and he embraces the growth that comes with change, sadness, and difficulty. “Far Side of the World” is yet another track in Holden’s consistent discography when the listener may find his clever lyricism sparking an epiphany once they realize he’s unpacked a feeling they know all too well, but in his own quirky and unique way.

Holden explored piano as a child, but found his passion for guitar – featured at the forefront of “Far Side of the World” – after being inspired to take up the instrument by his older brother. He was raised on the classic rock of the 1960s and ‘70s, and is the nexus of genre staples like Jack Johnson and Jason Isbell, intersected with more modern iterations like Alexander23 or Adam Melchor.

Holden’s long-time affair with music is apparent in all of his work, whether it’s a post on TikTok, or his latest heartfelt release, his sincerity and passion for this artform always illuminate his projects.

Holden Miller doesn’t take himself too seriously — but his music is another story. When it comes to singer-songwriters with folk and pop undertones, it takes a lot to stand out from the crowd, and he is up for the challenge. Holden creates music that holds a mirror to the experiences of other young people by approaching his songwriting without pretension. Based in Los Angeles with roots in New York, he surrounds himself with a community of creators as likely to be found at house shows as they are to be playing sold-out iconic venues. He creates from a place of questioning and longing — sometimes even from the depths of existential anxiety – and his songwriting is his own personal form of therapy. As his quickly growing fanbase continues to expand, thanks in part to an organic following on TikTok of people addicted to his covers and the samples of his songwriting shared on the platform, Holden is eager to continue sharing his craft with the world. Come join the party — everyone’s welcome here.

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