Rectangle image with 5 boxes of 5 artist headshots with podcast title in light mauve text

New Indie Music Discovery: “Fastracks” 24

Discover & preview 5 new tracks in less than 5 minutes f. Sanz Mantra, KEANA, phntms, The Daily Spreadsheets & Arielle Bryant.
drawing of a man's head with orange sunburst background

Sanz Mantra “The Silent Crowd”

Sanz Mantra is the project name for Mark Hughes, a songwriter and producer based in Melbourne’s inner north. Hughes honed his musicianship over many years gigging around Victoria as a…
woman sitting on the floor in a dark room with rain pouring down

KEANA “Teardrops”

Los Angeles based KEANA is a multi-talented pop meets electronic music producer, audio engineer, vocalist, and sound designer who envisions a dream world constructed out of melancholic vocals, lush synth…
3 band members standing outside with one of them leaning forward to look into the camera

phntms “Paper Flowers”

Sitting somewhere between arena rock and the classic sound of 1960’s soul singers, Philadelphia based band PHNTMS creates music bursting with vast soundscapes and colliding instrumentation. Together, Alyssa Gambino, Adam…
waterbolor paiting of a man's headshot

The Daily Spreadsheets “Keep”

This is a re-release of the song, mixed and mastered with tape machine by engineer Manuel Mata (Mesa, AZ, USA). “Keep” is the first single from The Daily Spreadsheets’ first…
woman standin gin a forrest eating an apple

Arielle Bryant “Thought Form”

Though traditionally known for her solo-acoustic style, for the last handful of years she has dedicated her time and passion to learning the ins-and-outs of self production in her humble…
close up of man crouching in front of a black green wall

Johnny Stimson “Material Things”

In “Material Things,” Stimson explores how it felt being alone over the pandemic. He confides, “I wrote material things as a satire to point out and notice how easy it…
two men standing next to each other with guitars

The Reed Effect “Rise up”

Hailing from Toronto, and having spent the last several years proudly cutting their teeth in the best live music venues north of the border, The Reed Effect have been warping…
man sitting by the beach

Jamie Perrett “Angel of Santiago”

A solo artist and producer based in London, Jamie Perrett has rock’n’roll coursing through heart, mind, body and soul. Initially earning his stripes as a guitarist in the original line-up…

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